Meebo And The Blinking Favicon
Meebo uses a cool blinking favicon as a notification for various events (messages, buddy login, signout). Here is a simple function to mimic the behaviour.
toggle = function () {
favicon = document.getElementsByTagName ('link') [0];
head = document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0];
url1 = '';
url2 = '';
n = document.createElement ("link");
n.setAttribute ('href', (favicon.href==url1) ? url2 : url1);
n.setAttribute ('type', 'image/x-icon');
n.setAttribute ('rel', 'shortcut icon');
head.removeChild (favicon); head.appendChild (n);
setTimeout (toggle, 500);
setTimeout (toggle, 500);
This assumes that the favicon link tag is the first link tag, you might make have to make changes if that is not the case.